Friday, September 12, 2008

You can put lipstick on a pig...

...but it's still dodging the issues. When did the voting / election process become a circus? I mean, don't get me wrong, I've listened to my grandfather complain for decades that the only honest politician is a dead one. I guess my major disappointment, and my biggest question, is, "Are people really going to vote based on this stuff?!" My hat in this instance does have to go off to Obama for not buying into any of the political games people like to play, and talking issues.

Whether it is leaving Palin's kids out of the picture, or simply not responding to the Political Correctness game (See More, See More). Obama seems to want an honest campaign that steers away from the he-said she-said routine, which is a refreshing break from the typical mud-slinging that goes on with these types of things.

In the past John McCain has shown both decency in dealing with intense debate (See More), and moments where he was not known for his..."tact" during an argument (See More). Now, granted that is Fox News, not the most reliable of sources (See More), but this would be a hard story to screw up. And we have seen based on this campaign the type of mud being slung in the form of" demanding of apologies" as in the "lipstick on a pig" incident... John McCain's record as a veteran and POW is admirable, and his tactics thus far adequately match up with that of someone who thinks militarily. Immediately after 9/11 McCain mentioned Iraq as our next course of action (See More). Still, I'm a bit worried by the show of a general lack of control on the part of someone who could soon be the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the most powerful nation on the planet. What if a decision to invoke a draft, or go to war is made in the heat of the moment?

Don't get me wrong, it's not like Joe Biden has been known for his ability to tiptoe through the rose garden in the past, and he's definately stuffed his foot in his mouth his fair share (like when he asked Chuck Graham, who is confined to a wheelchair, to stand for everyone...See More).

I guess the point here is that it may stir up emotions and get a reaction to accuse someone of being heartless, or politically incorrect, but to what end? Who is being served by these tactics? Maybe the American public that feels Brangelina is front page news, but certainly not the American public that wants to vote based on the issues.